Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Body language

Somewhere along the way we all hear about body language and the basics: if he touches his nose, he is lying. Most of us don't pay much attention to this - some smells cause allergic reactions which makes me touch my nose constantly - I'm not lying!

Just how can knowing about body language improve your life? Well, for starters you can figure out how people feel about what you are saying. That is pretty handy when you are trying to close a deal or make an impact somehow.

Here's what you should look for:

Crossed arms universally means the person is being cold, defensive, and stand-offish or "closed up". It's why you often see bodyguards standing like this.

Let's say you're standing in a group of people. If someone has folded arms, chances are they're not having fun. You might also see them looking around.

It is said that feet are a great body language cue and the most accurate and most difficult to hide. Look which direction the person's feet are pointing. If they're both pointed towards the rest of the group, they're interested in the conversation.

If one of their feet is pointing towards the exit, it means they would rather be somewhere else. People also often point one of their feet at the person in the group they're most interested in.

The eyes are another good indicator and the simplest of all. Someone who is not looking at you directly could be hiding something. Alternatively, if your date is looking at your mouth constantly, it could mean that they'd like to kiss you!

To use body language productively in your own life, this little exercise will show you how:

1. Think of something that is mildly bothering you. Note your body language. Are you slouching, breathing shallow breaths, frowning?

2. Now stop that thought in it's tracks. Pull your shoulders back, chin up, deep breaths, big smile. How do you feel now?

3. Keeping that upright posture and big smile - think of the negative thought again. It seems so much better than the first time around!

Whenever you are faced with a negative thought, simply adjust your posture and see how much better it seems. Alternatively, just practice a silly smile as often as you can!

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