Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Vocabulary

We are told what to eat to lose weight, what to drink to lower our blood-pressure and what colour is good this season.

How is it that we're still unhappy when we do everything right? Perhaps worrying less about what to eat, drink and wear, we should work on what we say and think.

There are a few words we should remove from our vocabulary.

Would've - "If I knew this, I would've done that" - nobody knows what the future holds and things happen when they need to. The word would've stirs up feelings of regret.

Should've - "I should've known" - again, nobody knows the future. This word brings a feeling resentment.

But - "I love you but I have to leave" I was once told that no matter how nice the part is that you say before the "but", it's the part after they hear. You may as well save your breath.

If - "If I am able to, I'll help you" or "If only". The first line is non-committal. If you don't want to do it, rather say so. "If only" - that is wishful thinking.

Could've - "You could've called" - accusatory and resentful.

Here's a little exercise - say these words aloud and see if they make you feel good or bad. If they make you feel negative in any way, try to use them less often and see how your happiness improves.

Hate, depressed, angry, no, bad, can't, negative...

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